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Otsuks -Bohemian Style Shop-

旅の中で出逢った素敵な雑貨・アクセサリー・衣料を始め、旅で 知り合った作り手さんのハンドメイド商品を扱っています。 世界各地で受け継がれてきた伝統的なデザイン・技法で作られた 民芸品を買い付け、作り手さんとお客様の架け橋となるような存在になることを目指しています。

We handle handmade items from the creators we met on the trip, including the wonderful miscellaneous goods, accessories, and clothing that we encountered during the trip. We aim to become a bridge between creators and customers by purchasing folkcrafts made with traditional designs and techniques that have been passed down around the world.

Otsusk Coffee


We will maximize the flavor of the beans and respond to customer preferences. Please enjoy carefully brewed coffee.